Strata Edge IT gives you control

At Strata edge, we have placed a strong emphasis on the use of information technology in order to enhance growth, efficiency and client awareness. We work hand in hand with software and technologies to ensure our services are up-to-date and the best they can be. For our clients’ convenience, we have also engaged with new software and technologies to assist in providing convenient solutions to building management. Softwares used include StrataMax, Strata Pay, Strata Cash and an Online Owners Portal. This provides our clients with online access to:

  • Building information
  • Accounting functions
  • Electronic banking
  • Comprehensive payment options

We have utilised building management specialist software providers StrataMax, StrataPay and StrataCash to provide our clients with a total management solution; not only from a property perspective, but also from an administrative one. StrataMax, StrataPay and StrataCash understand the high levels of service that is expected and have designed the integrated software exclusively for the strata, facility and building management industry.

Superior management starts right here with Strata Edge. For convenient and tailored strata, building & facility management, contact us now.